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[DIFF] 12:43 [INFO] DmitryLevin pass -j`nproc` to "make" and "make check"
[DIFF] 18:05 [INFO] DmitryLevin add gsoc 2023 url
[DIFF] 00:54 [INFO] DmitryLevin add more kernel fixes
[DIFF] 15:52 [INFO] DmitryLevin update the list of gsoc years
[DIFF] 15:51 [INFO] DmitryLevin update gsoc 2022 archive url
[DIFF] 15:51 [INFO] DmitryLevin update gsoc 2021 archive url
[DIFF] 17:57 [INFO] eSyr
[DIFF] 17:53 [INFO] eSyr update the list of possible ioctl classes
[DIFF] 18:37 [INFO] eSyr


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