This ranking shows how often a page was requested since logging began. It provides just a dumb counter, i.e., every single page request counts as one hit.
- 1378296 HelpOnMacros/MonthCalendar
- 205454 HelpContents
- 56677 NewContributorGuide
- 43949 lineprinter
- 38698 PageHits
- 37030 Home
- 21515 FeatureRequests
- 20523 GoogleSummerOfCode2018
- 16902 MicroProjects
- 15104 GoogleSummerOfCode2021
- 15098 XlatDocumentation
- 14753 TestSuiteBattlestars
- 14330 WikiCourse/21 Macros
- 13861 SiteNavigation
- 13855 HelpOnMacros
- 12801 HelpForUsers
- 12555 GoogleSummerOfCode2014
- 11508 HelpOnSearching
- 11190 FindPage
- 11100 DmitryLevin
- 11058 RecentChanges
- 10233 FrontPage
- 9673 GoogleSummerOfCode2023
- 9624 eSyr
- 9111 GoogleSummerOfCode2020
- 5968 Gsoc2014StructuredJsonOutput
- 5624 GoogleSummerOfCode2015
- 5214 HelpForBeginners
- 4636 MoinMoin
- 4429 RandomPage
- 4145 WikiName
- 3594 GoogleSummerOfCode2019
- 3029 WikiCourse/01 What is a MoinMoin wiki?
- 2913 GoogleSummerOfCode2022
- 2778 TestSuiteBattleStars
- 2487 HumanReadable
- 2194 CategoryHomepage
- 1703 HelpOnConfiguration/FileAttachments
- 1612 LanguageSetup
- 1521 HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax
- 1460 AbandonedPages
- 1302 GoogleSummerOfCode2016
- 1190 HelpOnEditing
- 1047 HelpOnSpam
- 1015 WikiCourseHandOut
- 1011 WantedPages
- 966 WordIndex
- 931 TitleIndex
- 922 HelpOnConfiguration
- 675 GoogleSummerOfCode2017
- 651 PageSize
- 568 HelpOnSubscribing
- 561 CategoryCategory
- 534 HelpOnTemplates
- 534 HelpOnLanguages
- 481 WikiCourse
- 480 WikiHomePage
- 450 ProjectTemplate
- 440 HelpOnThemes
- 431 HelpOnXapian
- 429 HelpOnSlideShows
- 428 OrphanedPages
- 420 HelpOnProcessingInstructions
- 405 WikiCourse/17 External links
- 404 HelpOnFormatting
- 386 Microprojects
- 384 HelpIndex
- 379 WikiCourse/06 Your own wiki homepage
- 376 InterWiki
- 373 HelpOnMoinCommand/ExportDump
- 364 Miniprojects
- 364 HelpOnParsers
- 362 WikiCourse/02 Finding information
- 357 HomepageTemplate
- 356 InterWikiMap
- 347 HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText
- 345 HelpOnCreoleSyntax
- 343 WikiTipOfTheDay
- 341 HelpOnLinking
- 337 HelpOnXmlPages
- 336 WikiSandBox
- 334 HelpOnDrawings
- 329 HelpOnActions
- 328 WikiCourse/15 Tables
- 326 WikiWikiWeb
- 325 WikiCourse/16 Wiki internal links
- 322 SlideShowTemplate
- 322 HelpOnSynchronisation
- 322 HelpOnNotification
- 321 HelpOnGraphicalEditor
- 314 HelpOnConfiguration/SecurityPolicy
- 312 WikiCourse/52 Structure in the wiki
- 312 CategoryTemplate
- 310 HelpOnCategories
- 310 HelpOnAuthentication
- 305 HelpOnTables
- 304 HelpOnAdministration
- 302 WikiCourse/30 The graphical editor
- 302 WikiCourse/05 User preferences
- 300 WikiCourse/20 Dynamic content
- 298 WikiCourse/19 Symbols
- 292 HelpOnSlideShows/900 Last but not least: Running your presentation
- 291 WikiCourse/40 Creating more pages
- 291 HelpOnImages
- 288 WikiCourse/08 Hot Keys
- 288 WikiCourse/07 The text editor
- 285 SlideShowHandOutTemplate
- 283 WikiCourse/23 Actions
- 283 HelpOnSlideShows/000 Introduction
- 281 WikiCourse/50 Wiki etiquette
- 280 WikiCourse/14 Text styles
- 278 WikiCourse/18 Attachments
- 275 WikiCourse/13 Lists
- 272 WikiCourse/12 Headlines
- 271 WikiCourse/03 Staying up to date
- 270 WikiCourse/10 Text layout with wiki markup
- 269 WikiCourse/51 Applications
- 269 CamelCase
- 268 WikiCourse/04 Creating a wiki account
- 267 WikiCourse/11 Paragraphs
- 264 HelpOnEditLocks
- 264 HelpOnActions/AttachFile
- 263 HelpOnSlideShows/100 Creating the slides
- 262 HelpOnDictionaries
- 262 HelpOnConfiguration/EmailSupport
- 259 WikiCourse/22 Parsers
- 257 HelpOnMoinCommand
- 257 HelpOnAccessControlLists
- 255 HelpOnHeadlines
- 250 HelpOnLogin
- 247 HelpOnPackageInstaller
- 245 HelpOnSuperUser
- 244 HelpOnRules
- 241 HelpOnLists
- 241 HelpOnEditing/SubPages
- 241 HelpOnAutoAdmin
- 240 HelpOnUserPreferences
- 237 GSoC2021
- 235 SyncJobTemplate
- 235 HelpOnVariables
- 234 PermissionDeniedPage
- 233 HelpOnComments
- 231 HelpOnMacros/Include
- 229 BadContent
- 228 EventStats
- 226 MissingHomePage
- 226 HelpOnGroups
- 225 MissingPage
- 224 SlideTemplate
- 224 HelpOnRobots
- 223 HomepageGroupsTemplate
- 223 EditedSystemPages
- 222 SystemAdmin
- 222 HelpOnPageCreation
- 222 HelpOnOpenIDProvider
- 222 FortuneCookies
- 221 HelpOnPageDeletion
- 220 HelpOnUpdatingPython
- 220 HelpOnSmileys
- 220 EventStats/UserAgents
- 219 HelpOnUserHandling
- 218 HelpOnSessions
- 218 HelpOnAuthentication/ExternalCookie
- 217 HelpTemplate
- 216 XsltVersion
- 216 HelpOnConfiguration/UserPreferences
- 215 HelpOnSpellCheck
- 215 EventStats/HitCounts
- 212 HelpOnAdmonitions
- 211 HelpOnMacros/MailTo
- 210 SystemInfo
- 210 HelpOnMacros/EmbedObject
- 210 HelpOnLinking/NotesLinks
- 208 HelpOnConfiguration/SurgeProtection
- 206 LocalSpellingWords
- 206 HomepagePrivatePageTemplate
- 206 HelpOnConfiguration/SupplementationPage
- 200 TestSuiteInfo
- 193 LocalBadContent
- 190 ProjectGroupsTemplate
- 183 HomepageReadWritePageTemplate
- 183 EventStats/Languages
- 181 HomepageReadPageTemplate
- 181 HelpOnNavigation
- 165 HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText/RstPrimer